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Aspects Of Ottoman Economy And Culture: Trade, Art, And Everyday Life


These contracts represented significant revenue for the Ottoman Empire. The third contract, linked to tax-farming for three winter pastures, was particularly lucrative, bringing in a substantial 556,418 guruş. This highlights the importance of tax-farming in the Ottoman economy.

Tax-farming was a common practice in the Ottoman Empire, where the right to collect taxes was leased to individuals or groups, known as tax farmers. These tax farmers would then collect the taxes from the population and pay a fixed sum to the Ottoman government. While this system was efficient for the government, it often led to abuses by the tax farmers, who would often overcharge the population in order to maximize their profits. The tax farmers would also often use their power to influence local politics, further enriching themselves at the expense of the people. Despite these drawbacks, tax-farming remained a vital part of the Ottoman economy for centuries, as it provided a reliable source of revenue for the government and contributed to the growth of the Empire’s trade and commerce. This system, however, also contributed to social and economic inequalities within the empire, highlighting the complex nature of the Ottoman economy.

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